Creates a function that can contain expressions of a type defined by the := operator. The first argument of the generated function will be matched against patterns provided in the ... parameter of this function.




A list of variables for the function in addition the data to be matched against which will automatically added plus pattern -> expression statements.


A function that can pattern match


When you call the generated function, and the first argument is matching a pattern, it evaluates the expression the pattern is associated with. During matching, any symbol that is not quasi-quoted will be considered a variable, and matching values will be bound to such variables and be available when an expression is evaluated.

This function works like case_func but implements the "tail-recursion optimisation", which means that it replaces tail-recursive calls with reassignment to local variables and looping. Since the scoping rules are different between recursive calls and loops, you cannot use closures with this transformation unless you take special care to bind all local values explicitly.

This function cannot know which name you will assign the generated function so you must use Recall for recursive calls.

See also


linked_list := NIL | CONS(car, cdr : linked_list) lst <- CONS(1, CONS(2, CONS(3, NIL))) len <- case_trfunc(acc = 0, NIL -> acc, CONS(car,cdr) -> Recall(cdr, acc + 1) ) len(lst)
#> [1] 3
list_sum <- case_trfunc(acc = 0, NIL -> acc, CONS(car,cdr) -> Recall(cdr, acc + car) ) list_sum(lst)
#> [1] 6